Ejercicios propuestos


Classified by difficulty

T02B.001- Code, name and retail price of the articles of less than 100€; the output must be code, name,"has a price of",rrp

T02B.002- DNI, email, name and surnames of the users of the Asturias province (code 33)

T02B.003- All the information (code and name) of the provinces that have users.

T02B.004- All the information (code and name) of the provinces that have users, avoiding duplicates and sorted by name.

T02B.005- Email of the users of Murcia province that have no phone, with a message in the output like "They don't have phone".

T02B.006- Articles that have no brand

T02B.007- Code and name of the articles with a price between 400 and 500 euros

T02B.008- Code and name of the articles with price 415, 129, 1259 or 3995.

T02B.009- Code, name, brand, rrp and price of the articles requested in order number 1.

T02B.010- Code, name, brand, rrp and price of the articles requested in order number 1, that are tv

T02B.011- Date and user of the order, code, name, brand, rrp and price of the articles requested in order number 1 that are tv

T02B.012- Code, sensor and screen of the cameras, if "screen" has a value, descending sorted by code;

T02B.014- Name of provinces in where users that have requested any order live, avoiding duplicates.

T02B.020- Code and name of the provinces that are not neither Huelva, Sevilla, Asturias nor Barcelona