Ejercicios propuestos


Classified by difficulty

T05.001- Number of order and identification, surnames and name of the user that request the order (using join).

T05.002- Number of order and identification, surnames and name of the user that requests the order, and name of the town of the user (using join).

T05.003- Number of order and identification, surnames and name of the user that requests the order, name of the town and name of the province of the user (using join).

T05.004- Name of the province and name of the town sorted by province and town (using join) of the provinces of Aragón and the towns whose name starts with "B".

T05.005- Surnames and name of the users, and if they have, orders they requested.

T05.006- Code and name of the articles, and if they are cameras, also show the resolution and sensor.

T05.007- Code, name and retail price of the articles, and if they are lenses show all their data.

T05.008- Show the baskets of 2010 together with the name of the article being referred by it and its retail price.

T05.009- Show all the information of articles. If some of them appear in a basket of 2010 show this information.

T05.010- Availability of the stock of each camera together with the code and the resolution of all the cameras.

T05.011- Code and name of the articles that have no brand.

T05.012- Code, name and brand of all the articles, having brand or no.

T05.013- Code, name, brand and company in charge of all the articles. If any article has no brand, it must appear in the listing with this information empty.

T05.014- Information of all the users from the Comunidad Valenciana whose name starts with 'P' including the delivery address in case they have one.

T05.015- Code and name of the articles, and pack code in case they belong to any pack.

T05.016- Users and orders they have done.

T05.017- Information of those users from the Comunidad Valenciana (codes 03, 12 and 46) whose name starts by 'P' and they have delivery address but showing, at the right side, all the delivery address of the database.